By imbx - 13/04/2009 00:24 - United States

Today, I was at a pool party. My friend's little sister pushed me in the pool. When I got out, I pushed her in. She started screaming, and I started laughing because I thought she was pissed that I pushed her in. That wasn't why she was screaming. She can't swim. Her whole family witnessed it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 695
You deserved it 20 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

put your hands over your eyes, it makes you invisible


ohhhhshizzz 0

#129: shut the **** up, seriously. You sound dumb. The OP was probably like 16 and the "little girl" probably 11 or 12. Its a pool party SHE was at so it had to be some of the same age. So really shut up. And no it isn't clear, the girl could have been doing that because she was pissed. The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Forevery action there is a reaction. Karma. etc. etc, either way the little brat should have expected a reaction. And it is the 'rents fault too, why would you let your kid near a pool at a pool party if they can't swim. That is just idiotic.

AHAHA @ #22! :) Awesome. I definitely don't think it was your fault, though. :/ That child needs to be hidden away, forever.

fcuk_mylife 0

first of all, i ******* hate little kids. secondly, that bitch shouldn't have pushed you if she cant even swim third, i'm glad you pushed her in - it'll teach her little bitchass a lesson oh, and in an attempt to make this comment a little more positive, i'll say that i hope she figured out how to swim right then and there. it's a great way to learn.

DelSDelT 0

Wow, that little kid totally deserved that one. I hope her parents explain that to her, instead of just blaming the person.

You really shouldn´t have done that. I know, you must have been pissed, but still. You never know.

chris5182 0

eh, her fault. #141 yeah she totally should have.

So not only did she push you in, she was close enough to the pool to be pushed in herself. She really needs to think of the consequences of her actions.

hallygators93 0

thats low she's just a kid maybe she thought it was funny

Goldfinch86 0

First off to the moron who went on a rant about how it's wrong to push a 6 year old in the pool shut up. It's kids, perhaps you forgot all those oh so regretable things you said and did when you were a tween or young teen. besides if it was a pool party, the person probably thought she could swim, when I was kid people did it all the time and no one got hurt, only their feelings when they were babyish. Shame on those parents for not teaching her to swim, hopefully this is a wake-up call for them to get her lessons.