By imbx - 13/04/2009 00:24 - United States

Today, I was at a pool party. My friend's little sister pushed me in the pool. When I got out, I pushed her in. She started screaming, and I started laughing because I thought she was pissed that I pushed her in. That wasn't why she was screaming. She can't swim. Her whole family witnessed it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 700
You deserved it 20 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

put your hands over your eyes, it makes you invisible


Ha ha, she got what she ******* deserved. Don't dish out what you can't take yourself. I figured everyone knew that...unless there's like a 10+ age difference, then you're going to look like a douche. Still doesn't change the circumstances though.

Chelle123 0

I would've done the same thing. It's not like you knew.

Hmm. I can't say you deserved it, cause I would've done the same thing to the little bitch. But seriously, most people in this day and age know how to swim, or at least keep themselves afloat. And if she couldn't swim and was pretty young, then her family shouldn't have let her so close to the pool.

What did the kid expect though, she pushed you so of course you'd retaliate.

i don't think this is your fault. if that girl thought it was okay to push you in, then she needs to be able to take it as well. she shouldn't be pushing people in if the same act would scare her. hopefully she learned a lesson, AND will learn how to swim. since that is pretty unsafe in the age of the backyard pool.

if i couldnt swim the last thing i would do is push someone into a pool and laugh what a dumb bitch. how old was this girl?

If she can't swim she has no business pushing other people into the pool. I probably still would have walked away LOL! Seriously even if her family was angry with you I would have been like YUP SMART TEACH THE GIRL WHO CAN'T SWIM THAT IT'S OKAY TO PUSH PEOPLE INTO THE POOL! What if YOU couldn't swim? Did the dumb idiot think of that one? Seriously that's the first reaction when someone throws you in- to throw THEM back in.