By ILTali - 03/03/2009 23:00 - United States

Today, I was at a party and we were all playing Seven Minutes in Heaven. It was my crush's turn to spin the bottle so my heart started pounding. The bottle pointed towards me! Then my crush said, "With her it'd be 'Seven Minutes in Hell'. Just skip me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 121 820
You deserved it 8 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aww, what an ass hole! :[ You're better than him =D

musu_fml 0

Look at the good side: now you know he's a prick, you can stop wasting your time having a crush on him, and turn your attention on someone who's actually NICE.


Aww, what an ass hole! :[ You're better than him =D

XYZzzzzzzz 0

the sad thing is i bet he is still your crush

slushpup9696 12

102 is probably right, girls will take so much crap from douchebags and don't even notice the nice guys.

only if they realised that nicer guys are out there

yeah, any guy who says that doesn't deserve to be crushed on. I bet you're really hot:)

I wish women could see that the one for them is right in front of their eyes (close guy friends) but sadly we have to standby and watch them get their hearts crushed and everyday we cry inside. :(

115 your right its sad to see them get hurt but i dont feel bad for them if they cant see what theyre missing... theyre fault not ours

fmlover1326 1

All these guys saying this stuff but guys do it to. They mostly go for the beautiful girl with nice assets as well as girls do

LeoCor 19

Only if the “nice guys” were nice guys and wouldn’t get pissed or end our friendship when I say I have no interest because I’ve been in a relationship for years already??? That’s why I wouldn’t screw them

Failercoptor 0

damn, that is beyond cold. how old are you? i can't imagine anyone over the age of, like, 13 being that rude. :(

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I agree with 118. These have to be teenyboppers if they're playing that game. Being rude on the other hand doesn't get any better or worse with age...but Holy Smokes was that kid a little shit!! Way to crush someone....

King_of_Kings 3

that guy deserves to be slammed with a sledgehammer! what an asshole!

musu_fml 0

Look at the good side: now you know he's a prick, you can stop wasting your time having a crush on him, and turn your attention on someone who's actually NICE.

akg98 13

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The guy probably didnt like you cause you talked "lyk dis, cuz its kewllz LOL"

hberri331 18

You might not be able to choose how you feel but you can choose what you do about it. That's a part of growing up.

#5, that's just silly. Now she has to work even harder to get him to notice her and fall in love with her since they're meant to be together. Hence, FHL.

That moment when no one catches the sarcasm.

musu_fml 0

#6 Tragically, you're probably right.

thinkpink 0

I would've picked up the bottle and smashed his face with it, and then been like "Have fun trying to get a girl when you look like this."

gocutler88 0

that's cool that u r a Iowa state cheerleader!!!! go cyclones!!!

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King_of_Kings 3

7 minutes in heaven? what happened to 11 minutes in heaven?