By ouch - 03/03/2009 23:08 - United States

Today, a guy who I've been on five dates with called me for the first time in 2 weeks. The first thing I said was, "Don't expect me to go out with you again after going AWOL on me." Then he told me his mom died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 855
You deserved it 70 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, she doesn't call him a boyfriend, maybe he didn't think of her as a girlfriend.

If he felt her as his gf, he would tell right after his mom had died, not 2 weeks later.


King_of_Kings 3

If he felt her as his gf, he would tell right after his mom had died, not 2 weeks later.

So because they had a few dates he needs to share the hardest time with her...pufff I dont think so

he could at least warned her why he doesn't have time to talk to her.

Well, she doesn't call him a boyfriend, maybe he didn't think of her as a girlfriend.

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because of guys like u, this world is a horrible place and this is probably y u can't get laid an hence so horny and getting a bj is the first thing came to mind. dumbass

Imapean19 4

If that happened to me, I'd definitely give that guy a bj.

1) Nothing can be "solve" or even should involve a bj. Not "even" an apology. 2) "like a good girl"? Seriously? That's your definition of a good girl? God, your mind is a little twisted. 3) That's not how you overcome your grief. Not at all.

ya know, some guys (like you) are such pigs!

scott_m319 0

That's a pretty bold accusation. Care to back it up?

Who lies about something like that?? Gosh your an idiot.

Who lies about something like that? A lot of people. Also, care to back up the fact that he's not lying? You know nothing about the situation. Stop trying to defend someone who could very well be lying.

Why didn't you call him in the last 2 weeks? Hopefully hes patient enough to ignore your faux pas.

you spelled faux pas correctly! marry me?! 

He doesn't call you for 2 weeks and you get all stuck up about it, you didn't call him. What kind of attention greedy hoard are you? You deserved it.