By Anonymous - 27/11/2009 04:26 - United States

Today, I wanted to take a nice hot relaxing bath. A wasp somehow got in, and stung me on the nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 420
You deserved it 4 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What timing? Unless this is a divebombing wasp that somehow stung you underwater.

ydu for doing handstands underwater so your nuts are exposed


Sucks for you dude I hope you drowned the wasp Cat I'm a kitty cat and I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance __________________________________

OP should be thankful it wasn't a squirrel.

wiserman 0

nature's way of telling you to not be a fag

What timing? Unless this is a divebombing wasp that somehow stung you underwater.

I call fake. if a wasp stung me on the nuts I'd be seeing a doctor not taking the time to put it on fml.

If a wasp stung me on the nuts I'd die

do ur nuts float or something? how did the wasp get underwater?

63: He could've gone to the doctor and gotten it sorted out before posting

tayymeds 23

YDI for having a bath. Seriously that's just washing in your own filth after about a minute or two.

You dumbass, OP clearly stated he was taking a bath to relax. He wasn't trying to get clean.

And even if he had been doing it to clean, so what? People have been taking baths for centuries. And hey, you can always just rinse in the shower if you're being so anal about bathing in your filth.. seriously unless you were really filthy, full of dirt and all, a bath would be fine.. if you're dirty enough that it turns the water to mud, then I suggest a shower first to at least remove the biggest part of it THEN a bath.. But yeah as was mentionned, he took a bath to relax, not even to wash.. not that it would matter, would it?

PunxsatownyPhil 0

I always take a quick shower afterwards (to rinse off and wash my hair).

abasio 1

shower before the bath and everything is rosie.

really how could a wash sting you underwater

Those washes are vicious. Don't underestimate them.

Oh shit!!! LOL (sorry don't mean to be laughing) :) That must've hurt like hell! I hope your nuts didn't swell up too big. Save your boys!

Hahahahaha I don't mean to laugh either. Hope your balls are okay! LOL :(

ydu for doing handstands underwater so your nuts are exposed

WorkThatButt 2

I love it when a wasp stings my butt