Stressed out

By BK2017 - 29/01/2017 22:00 - United States - Orlando

Today, after an extremely stressful day, I took a hot bath when I got home. I used my little sister's bubble bath to make it more enjoyable and relaxing. I then broke out in hives. I guess I'm allergic to bubble bath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 211
You deserved it 656

Same thing different taste

Relax, don't do it

By Anonymous - 21/08/2023 06:00 - Canada - Windsor

Today, I was excited to finally use the expensive bath bombs I'd been saving. I filled the tub, dropped one in, and settled in for a relaxing soak. The bath bomb fizzed so much that it created a bubble mountain that spilled over, flooding my bathroom with colorful suds. My "relaxing" bath turned into a Slip 'N Slide adventure as I tried to mop up the mess in my birthday suit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 596
You deserved it 170

Top comments

More than likely it isn't the bubble bath itself, but a specific ingredient in it. Possibly something used to add scent or color to the mixture. Try looking for hypo-allergenic bubble bath mix. Or find out if there's a specific ingredient in the one you used that might be irritating your skin, and look for ones that don't have that ingredient, if possible. Best of luck.

Or maybe the stress caused by the guilt of stealing your sister's bubble bath caused the outbreak?


Or maybe the stress caused by the guilt of stealing your sister's bubble bath caused the outbreak?

More than likely it isn't the bubble bath itself, but a specific ingredient in it. Possibly something used to add scent or color to the mixture. Try looking for hypo-allergenic bubble bath mix. Or find out if there's a specific ingredient in the one you used that might be irritating your skin, and look for ones that don't have that ingredient, if possible. Best of luck.

It's possible you're not allergic to anything and you just broke out in hives because of the stress. I suffer from bad anxiety and it happens to me on occasion. But to be safe, check the ingredients in the bubble bath and if it happens again, go to the doctor to get tested! Hope your skin clears up soon, OP!

At least you didn't find this out while taking a romantic bath with a lover?

The absolute truth is, almost everything scented is chemicals. It's toxic. It goes into your system. They are making things smell stronger and stronger and it's just compounding in our systems. We are getting cancers from them. Simple research will show you the truth.

No one wants to hear your political/policy rants on here. This isn't the site for that.

Facts that they are chemicals is political? Wow. Just.... Wow.

woleymoley 1

Actually that's not correct. Essential oils are a natural product used for fragrance in many cosmetics and toiletries.

How can over 100 people say he deserved it? There is no reason for him to deserve it. The only way to find out an allergy is by "finding" it.

25mg Benadryl will help bring down the swelling, itching, and inflammation. You can also do an oatmeal bath (assuming you aren't allergic) to help with the itching and irritation. Grind up a cup of oatmeal of almost any kind- excluding any that are presweetened or flavored- until the pats are in small pieces. Run the bath so that it's a bit above a temperature you like, and fill it up enough that it'll cover you but not over flow. Add the oatmeal, and stir it in. Wait until the water is milky colored (stirring will help) and then get in. Soak at least fifteen minutes, thirty is better. Rinse with mild or cool water, and pat dry off. Rubbing will make the agitation worse. If you are worried about the oats going down the pipes, you can also put the oatmeal in a cloth bag of some kind (cheese cloth is great for this), seal it, and use it like a teabag in the bath tub. When you use this method, you don't have to grind the oats, but it helps. You can also add green and chamomile tea to help soothe irritation, help either healing, and make it smell nicer. One part baking soda to two parts oatmeal to balance your skin's pH, olive oil or coconut oil to moisturize, milk to soften skin, or essential oils for scent and their medical effects. These are just some possibilities to add to oatmeal baths, and would help make oatmeal baths even better than better than bubble bath. It would be a good idea to wait to experiment, but if you know you aren't allergic to it, the green tea will definitely help with the hives.

So much for a relaxing bath. I have to get a certain kind of bubble bath cause I'll get rashes as well

Possible YDI if you didn't ask her first before using her bath supplies. Other than that though, I hope you got better fast.

dblogic 19