By TooShort - 03/05/2009 14:06 - United States

Today, I walked into a restaurant with my parents to celebrate my Mom's birthday. They immediately got a kid's menu and crayons out for me. I'm 15. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 365
You deserved it 8 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm 20 and I always grab the crayons on my own. I like coloring.

karls 0

Coloring and chicken fingers are the best. Not an FYL ;)


miss_mojo 2

hahaa, i love the kids menu still. but im only 15 too. ;]

i'm 15, happens to me occasionally. sometimes i even ask for one. loll :)

i'm 19 and still order off the kids menu half the time.

beany212 0

That's not FML. Crayons are ******* awesome and the kids menu has cheaper prices. =). Just trying to give a silver lining

LuvPink 0

That's happened to me many times...i'm 21 and people still ask me what grade i'm in in highschool. Look on the bright side tho, when you're like 40 you'll look waaaay younger :)

InTheAyer 0

thats nothing, my that happened to my sister and she's 18

They started refusing to give me the kids menu and crayons when I was like 14. I was sad =( Still ask for the crayons every time, though, just in case.

Could be worse. I have a friend who's 20 and she looks like she'd way younger too. And? You're still a kid, so...

lifesucks33_fml 0

lol im 15 and i sometimes still ask for the kids menu (: its cheaper and fun and you usually get free desert.

So? The coloring is the best part. Sometimes I ask for a kids menu when I go out and I'm turning 19