Road rage

By Anonymous - 26/04/2021 20:00

Today, I was brake-checking a Dodge Charger who was attempting to run me off. It was an undercover police car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 323
You deserved it 1 701

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Drive like an asshole, get treated like one. 🤷🏻‍♂️

No doubt you're probably the same type of people who bitch and whine when they get rear-ended after brake checking someone. Karma, bitch.


Drive like an asshole, get treated like one. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Break checking? Straight to jail! Tailgating? Straight to jail!

No doubt you're probably the same type of people who bitch and whine when they get rear-ended after brake checking someone. Karma, bitch.

Following too closely is also not allowed. If someone rear ends another person when that person applies their brakes, they are at fault for following too closely.

bobsanction 18

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jaguar_rawr121 0