By TooShort - 03/05/2009 14:06 - United States

Today, I walked into a restaurant with my parents to celebrate my Mom's birthday. They immediately got a kid's menu and crayons out for me. I'm 15. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 367
You deserved it 8 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm 20 and I always grab the crayons on my own. I like coloring.

karls 0

Coloring and chicken fingers are the best. Not an FYL ;)


lobstar 0

When my mom was in her 50s some people would still confuse her for a teenager. Not very often, but sometimes. Mostly it was just because she was so short, but on Halloween it was funny because with lots of make-up on and a costume she could still get loads of candy door-to-door :D

ciaraangela 0

The same thing happened to me. I'm 17 lol

SpaceMonkeh 0

I'm 16 and the reverse of this always happens to me. I always say "HEY, you forgot mah CRAYONS you *****" >:l On another note: Pie. That is all.

aggravatedartist 0

I'm 19, and went to dinner with my fiance and his brother. The waitress gives us a quick glance, and says "Will you guys be needing crayons and a children's menu?" We didn't say anything, hoping that she'd assume that we didn't. She then looks at me, and repeats the question. Looking at me the whole time. And won't leave us alone about it until my fiance says "No". I know the pain. =P I also still get carded for R-rated movies, and half of my coworkers forget that I'm old enough to sell cigarettes.

oogoa 0

I'm jealous. I stopped getting crayons when I was 13. I want some crayons, dangit.

GabriLee 0

I will ask for crayons until the day I die. Don't feel bad... Someone thought I was 11 on my 18th birthday. No complaining for you. I'm going to have problems at bars when I turn 21, aren't I? Whatever... When I look like I am 25 when I am 32, I won't be complaining :D

livluvlaf123 0

Oh my gosh I'm REALLY sorry! It happens to me ( im almost 15) and its soo embarrasing : because people always think im a stupid pre-teen or something just cuz i'm short and smallish :(. But hey the good thing is that we hopefully wont be all old looking when we're 50!!! And its ok it happens to everyone, like my all my friends are younger than me look like theyre 3 years older! one of them got aksed if she wanted a beer at a resturant!!!

Wonderman_fml 0

Stop whining like a bitch

Erinx3 0

So what?! I'm 15 and I love the crayons and kid's menus! :) Take it as a compliment, you may look young but it'll pay off when you get older.

leftie 0

HAHAHA, Enjoy your crayons, AHHAHA