Thanks guys

By Anonymous - 03/03/2021 14:30 - United States - Alexandria

Today I was offered an opportunity on Instagram from a local lady to take photos of her home for her. I told my friends, because I was shocked. They were shocked too. But in the nicest terms possible, they were shocked because my Instagram "isn’t really professional enough to get such offers." Ouch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 798
You deserved it 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everybody starts somewhere. You got a nice break! How else do you look professional unless you start having things to show off? Good luck!

Sounds sketchy to me, too. I'm thinking she wants to start an OnlyFans site and needs to lure you in with the house photo ruse.


Everybody starts somewhere. You got a nice break! How else do you look professional unless you start having things to show off? Good luck!

Sounds sketchy to me, too. I'm thinking she wants to start an OnlyFans site and needs to lure you in with the house photo ruse.