Roommate from hell

By Anonymous - 13/10/2020 10:57 - United States - Pittsburgh

Today, after I had the place to myself for a while and it was easy to clean, my roommate returned and I woke up to trash piling up, dishes everywhere, and luggage full of sweaty laundry. Oh, and it smells like poo again, because he doesn't regularly shower. I want to scream. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 043
You deserved it 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

That’s ******* disgusting. Even if he doesn’t regularly shower, a presumably grown-ass man should know how to properly ******* WIPE! ******* grooossssss. I suggest you have a talk and lay down some ground rules. Wash the dishes you use, within a day of using them. Keep your dirty-ass, shit-stained laundry in your room until you are actually washing it. Keep your door closed so the aroma of your filth doesn’t flow through the rest of the place. Etc. And, of course, this is a temporary measure until you find another roommate or another place to live. This sucks and fyl, OP.

Maybe you should scream. Keeping your feelings to yourself isn't working out so good.


Marcella1016 31

That’s ******* disgusting. Even if he doesn’t regularly shower, a presumably grown-ass man should know how to properly ******* WIPE! ******* grooossssss. I suggest you have a talk and lay down some ground rules. Wash the dishes you use, within a day of using them. Keep your dirty-ass, shit-stained laundry in your room until you are actually washing it. Keep your door closed so the aroma of your filth doesn’t flow through the rest of the place. Etc. And, of course, this is a temporary measure until you find another roommate or another place to live. This sucks and fyl, OP.

Move out, find your own place. Get a different roommate.

Maybe you should scream. Keeping your feelings to yourself isn't working out so good.