By killmyself - 23/01/2009 19:50 - United States

Today, I was masturbating lying on the lower bed of my brother's and my bunk beds. I finished jacking off and tried to get up to clean myself I hit my head on metal panel of the upper bed and passed out. Later woke up in my bed... found out my parents came home and saw me passed out naked holding a porn mag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 363
You deserved it 47 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time lock yourself in the bathroom and if you knock yourself out again no one will see you...


He is not just a loser he is gross person who jacks off in his brothers room. If you share it at least use the bathroom or something even though you should not at all because it is really sad. Grow up and get the real thing YDI.

lol look at this kid saying the op needs to get the real thing^ bro I bet you've never even talked to a girl.

pedosmurf 7

Next time lock yourself in the bathroom and if you knock yourself out again no one will see you...

badluckalex 23

has this happened to you before?

Oh come on. What, did you knock youself into a coma!

Eir_fml 1

I don't understand how people just pass out like that? I agree with #10

1215116a 14

How did you agree with #10 of you're #9?

Don't ask, just agree with this time lord.

I have a bunk bed too....with my just made me scared 2 go to sleep now..and i sleep on the top..

xsydbabyx 0

That's why **** is for the internets (: the computer shuts off after a while and you look innocent! Not...that I would know or anything. - S.

oh wow bunk beds and **** mags and getting caught, OH MY!!! :p locks. always lock the door.