By asthmatic - 18/06/2009 23:07 - United States

Today, I used my inhaler for the first time in a year. As soon as I took a puff I felt something strange go down my throat. Upon closer inspection I discovered there had been a spider living in the mouth of my inhaler... and I had just swallowed it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 258
You deserved it 8 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you swallow the spider to catch the fly? I don't know why you swallowed a fly. ...Perhaps you'll die.

If that happened to me I would have to use the inhaler so I wouldn't have an asthma attack! FYL :(


Caayouteepie 0
angiebby 0

omfg. i would have vomited.

morgueprincess 0

Sorry, but YDI. You're always supposed to prime your inhaler after extended periods of no usage. Not hard to do, even when having an attack. Next time just try to remember to do that.

Maybe the OP knew it was a spider even though they didn't see it because there was a web? Though this is one FML I hope is fake because it's so disturbing.

wow this is sum real bullshit im an asthmatic nd i got it real bad but i dnt think it wud kill 2 press the lil button a few times so tht shit dnt happen this is a real fake fml fu trick nd if it not... hope u breathin good now mmmmm nd tht tasty spider u lucky shit

I'm an asthmatic too, and I know that before I read this I'd never checked. But I use it every day, so there doesn't seem to be much need. I know I definitely will now though. The thought just makes me gag.

if you swallowed it, how then AFTEr you swallowed it did you realise there was a spider there? if you ate it? FAKE

*story was edited slightly* the spider actually got caught in my retainer (I use my inhaler every day btw) the spider was also a daddy long legs... ewwww

nope, completely real. the story got edited though so it sounds impossible. spider got caught in my retainer and i didn't swallow it >.

wow, maybe this is a different story than mine? kinda weird though being that we submitted it during the same time frame and all >.< and they are nearly identical stories, who knows