Take the W

By are you fucking kidding - 24/10/2022 06:00 - Australia

Today, I got back from a holiday. I've been suffering from debilitating muscle spasms in my back for over a year, causing migraines and immobility. After all the physical therapy, drugs, and tests, it seems it was caused simply by my mattress. A week of sleeping in the hotel bed completely alleviated it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 928
You deserved it 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

....and nobody suggested that your mattress may be involved? It's the first thing my dr asked about.

That sounds like an ad for a mattress company. Have you asked the hotel what mattresses they use?


Reminds me of when I had plantar fasciitis. I tried the night boot and exercises. One day, I played an insane amount of tennis and that cured it!

....and nobody suggested that your mattress may be involved? It's the first thing my dr asked about.

That sounds like an ad for a mattress company. Have you asked the hotel what mattresses they use?