By Daivv - 28/01/2010 15:43 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that shouting 'arsehole' at a speeding car is not a good idea. Two chavs MIGHT just turn around, drive onto the pavement and push you into a bush. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 235
You deserved it 29 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate Chavs. And I live in America for Christ's sake.

In the UK, we don't have gangsta, we have chavvy. Baseball caps, tracksuits, eyebrow piercings, shaven heads and a deep and pressing urge to tack 'innit blud?' (isn't that right, mate?) onto the end of every sentence.


youthink_fml 0

Nothing like being stereotypical RDR. You sound like an idiot.

JohnByeBye 0

Because stereotyping is generalizing.....duh. When you stereotype you assume that everyone who could fit the stereotype DOES fit the stereotype. (I.E, all people who have AIDS are gay, all Jewish people are good with money, etc.) Not cool.

jisaac09 25

Actually #29 thats like saying that all JEWS are Jewish, or any gay person is homosexual.... so him stereotyping Chavs as being Chavs makes ALOT OF SENCE....

Lawzen_Rainbow 7

I HATE CHAVS. stupid Burberry, track suits, ndubz hats! they all look like tossers! X3!

JohnByeBye 0

Think about what you just said. All people who are gay would call themselves gay. If you aren't gay then you don't call yourself gay and so on. That is not even close to stereotyping.

You are aware that a Jew is someone who is Jewish, who practices Judaism? It's not a race, it's a religion. I have yet to figure out where people are pulling this shit from.

XxphantomxX 0

fail on you man. i know jewish people and none of em are like that. its more like when people talk about the revolutionists in US. Its a heritige thing

Ooh, that's a nice little rant. Sounds like you just have some good old fashioned racism and antisemitism. Good qualities. P.S. Try to stop pigeonholing, you sound like an asshole. I didn't bring up any Jewish history in my posts nor did I try to stereotype millions of people like you did no less than 3 times. P.S.S. The nazis and their attempted genocide are still brought up from time to time because it just happened in this century, there are still camp survivors alive today, and millions of families are missing aunts and uncles and parents from it. No shit, huh? Think before you spew your garbage.

Must have been pretty loud for people in a speeding car to hear you, or they can't have been going that fast. And it's not like yelling abuse in public would do anyone any good.

mired914 0

My mom does that all the time. People should slow down in neighborhoods.

I saw defined in another fml, it's a term for the common thugish adolescent.

it's a british term for neds, or like a basic ASBO child.

noidea_fml 3

I'm very jealous of everyone on here who doesnt know what a chav is...

It's basically the English way of saying "Redneck".

chav is an english word, the word chav stands for C=Council H=Houses A=and V=violence so tracksuit wearing hoodies who think theyre hard and basic wannabe gangsters. In short SCUM.

cwark 0

It doesn't stand for 'council house and violence'. that's just something someone made up. they don't necessarily live in council houses; 'chav' is just a term to describe someone who is basically a pain to society, wears trackies etc etc.

In the UK, we don't have gangsta, we have chavvy. Baseball caps, tracksuits, eyebrow piercings, shaven heads and a deep and pressing urge to tack 'innit blud?' (isn't that right, mate?) onto the end of every sentence.

I hate Chavs. And I live in America for Christ's sake.

@ 8 i believe its actually council house antisocial vermin.

Stay_Fly_Shy 0