By asthmatic - 18/06/2009 23:07 - United States

Today, I used my inhaler for the first time in a year. As soon as I took a puff I felt something strange go down my throat. Upon closer inspection I discovered there had been a spider living in the mouth of my inhaler... and I had just swallowed it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 258
You deserved it 8 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you swallow the spider to catch the fly? I don't know why you swallowed a fly. ...Perhaps you'll die.

If that happened to me I would have to use the inhaler so I wouldn't have an asthma attack! FYL :(


look b4 u put stuff in your mouth... YDI; srry...

Eugh. I use an inhaler regularly and that grosses me out big time. :O===

yumpinyiminy 0

Since I keep my inhaler in my purse with my hairbrush, I accidentally inhaled a hair once. From then on, I made it a habit to remove the medicine canister and blow into the inhaler to be sure there's nothing lodged in it.

Bucinka 5

As an asthma sufferer myself, I smell fake here. First, the inside of the mouthpiece wouldn't be a hospitable environment for a spider (or any other arachnid or insect) to hang out or lay eggs. Second, you don't swallow the contents of what comes out of the inhaler. Third, "upon closer inspection"? Please. If there was only one of them in there, there was nothing to inspect...and if there were two or more, you would have seen them before taking a puff. Therefore, I call bullshit. However, just on the off chance you're not posting a fake, unless this is your rescue inhaler, you need to use it every day. Most asthma sufferers can't skip a day with their prevention inhaler.

ashb420 0

this happened to me once but I coughed it up

Ah, gross. But um, if it makes you feel any better spiders crawl into your mouth while you sleep sometimes so not too gross? Just hope it wasn't poisionous...

tchaikovsky93 0

wait what do you mean upon closer inspection? were there like spider webs in it or something? seriously howd you know it was a spider.

OP , I think I just barfed in my mouth for a second!! EWW! FYL

OP , I think I just barfed in my mouth for a second!! EWW! FYL