By It burns down there - 11/12/2018 17:30

Today, I used a new fragrance-free hypoallergenic laundry detergent for my underwear, as I have sensitive skin. I got a rash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 100
You deserved it 232

Same thing different taste


Looks like you have to stick with dirty underdrawers for now. Or stick to them, eeeeeeeewwww!

Repeat after me, this font is the real FML.

weaboo 12

I’ll translate this for normal people who can’t read the shitty font: Today, I used a new fragrance free hypoallergenic laundry detergent for my underwear as I have sensitive skin. I got a rash

If it burns, maybe you should consider the fact that perhaps it's not the detergent that's giving you a rash in that area...

Used up 89% of my brains energy trying to read this

I had the same issues but it turned out I was allergic to synthetic fibers not detergents so I just ware all cotton clothes 😊

Why is the font so terrible? It’s just cursive. No one can read cursive?

horsebabe86 11

You deserve it for using this font!

It’s not the cursive, it’s that’s it’s too small and horrible resolution, it’s blurry! Please please stop using this.