By Snowy - 22/09/2018 06:00 - Turkey

Today, I couldn't get out of bed due to severe morning sickness. I have to lay still and I can only hold in some tiny crackers. It's the second day of our two-week holiday in Turkey. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 692
You deserved it 314

Top comments

Snowy 5

It's my first pregnancy and in Turkey there was nothing I could do. But I'm home now and I called the doctor. He said that he's not worried about the 4kg weightloss, but the dehydration. I had to go to the hospital for fluids in an IV-drip. It's been 3 weeks since my holliday in Turkey and I'm slowly recovering. Thank you so much for understanding. Another 30 weeks till childbirth!

PLEASE seek medical attention, especially if you can't keep fluids down. It sounds like you're describing hyperemesis. There is treatment for it. The most important thing is that you get adequate fluids and nutrients. I had this and regular IV fluids and meds were the only thing that got me and my son through. It was hell to go through. And some doctors don't take it seriously. One told me to suck on a sucker and get over it. I had thrown up 30 times that day, couldn't keep water down, and had gone weeks without digesting more than 100 calories a day. A nurse saved our lives by pleading with my OBGYN to start IV fluids because I was exhibiting severe dehydration and had lost so much weight. The OB argued and berated her for overstepping her territory. But she finally convinced her to set me up with IV therapy. I switched OBs after that and had way better care. Point being- PLEASE take this seriously and seek treatment for it if you haven't already. And if the first doctor won't help you, try another, and another. Go to an emergency room if needed. And if you can, try to get home. I can't imagine going through that far away from home. Best to you, op!


awildwhisper 30

I bet you can't wait for the next 18 years now!

Turkey is underrated. We should eat it a lot more often than just Thanksgiving!

PLEASE seek medical attention, especially if you can't keep fluids down. It sounds like you're describing hyperemesis. There is treatment for it. The most important thing is that you get adequate fluids and nutrients. I had this and regular IV fluids and meds were the only thing that got me and my son through. It was hell to go through. And some doctors don't take it seriously. One told me to suck on a sucker and get over it. I had thrown up 30 times that day, couldn't keep water down, and had gone weeks without digesting more than 100 calories a day. A nurse saved our lives by pleading with my OBGYN to start IV fluids because I was exhibiting severe dehydration and had lost so much weight. The OB argued and berated her for overstepping her territory. But she finally convinced her to set me up with IV therapy. I switched OBs after that and had way better care. Point being- PLEASE take this seriously and seek treatment for it if you haven't already. And if the first doctor won't help you, try another, and another. Go to an emergency room if needed. And if you can, try to get home. I can't imagine going through that far away from home. Best to you, op!

Snowy 5

It's my first pregnancy and in Turkey there was nothing I could do. But I'm home now and I called the doctor. He said that he's not worried about the 4kg weightloss, but the dehydration. I had to go to the hospital for fluids in an IV-drip. It's been 3 weeks since my holliday in Turkey and I'm slowly recovering. Thank you so much for understanding. Another 30 weeks till childbirth!

He should be concerned. If he isn’t see another dr. I also had severe emesis with all four of my kids. It is brutal. You should be on a medicine called diclectin. I had to be induced for all my kids, because of this. I weighed between 15-20 lbs less in labour than I did pre pregnancy. Don’t take any chances your lives are worth more.

Deez_Knots 10

Definitely see a doctor. Think about the baby not getting nutrients it needs

ViviMage 39

Try to find ginger ale, that helps my stomach!

YDI for planning a vacation for during pregnancy. Everybody knows morning sickness and other complications are a strong possibility. You chose to roll the dice so don't pout that they landed on a number you don't like.

Well, if you wanted to be pregnant, be happy. Morning sickness or not, you’re abroad. Enjoy whatever sights you can, Whiny bitch!

DiscomfortZone 7

Yeah, morning sickness is a thing, comes with a condition also known as pregnancy which is far from optimal for vacations.