By benjamin03 - 05/07/2016 16:34 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, my mom continued her search for a special, super-healthy laundry detergent that she knows makes me break out in hives. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 426
You deserved it 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Find that super duper Icy Hot and put it into the crotch of her panties.

Is this on purpose? That's mean, do something for revenge until she gets the message


Find that super duper Icy Hot and put it into the crotch of her panties.

Is this on purpose? That's mean, do something for revenge until she gets the message

I would suggest doing your own laundry. Either at a laundromat, or friends house, but its a good way to avoid your mom doing that.

Time to start buying your own detergent and doing your own laundry

nesteremily 31

Just make sure your laundry is done separately than hers

maybe that's her way of getting you to do your own laundry... evil genius

Can you buy your own and do your own laundry? If you're old enough to post here, you're old enough to operate a washer and dryer.

Mathalamus 24

That isn't truly a measure of ability.

Play the long game revenge, become a beekeeper and release tons of bees into her room while she is sleeping.

Sounds like your mom cares more about her own health than yours.

I hate to be that guy... But you could do your own laundry you know... I've done mine all through high school

But if the mom is the only one buying detergent, it could be the only kind they have. and not every teenager has money or a job