By bandfuckup - 13/03/2017 00:00

Today, my band was playing its first serious gig. I was in the middle of a solo when a drunk guy tackled me, causing me to crash into the drums, breaking them and my guitar, hitting our drummer, knocking him out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 976
You deserved it 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hope you made him pay for damages and your band didn't die out! FYL


Hope you made him pay for damages and your band didn't die out! FYL

LavenderCrow 12

I hope you or the venue had insurance!

Maybe you can get some pity gigs out of this?

species4872 19

So you had a good time then.

Goblin182 26

damn, that's a serious gig.

I hope everyone was okay in the end. And that damages were covered. Congratulations on your first serious gig! Hopefully you'd have made an impression and have it lead to more gigs. (And hopefully, next time there won't be any drunk tackling or instrument smashing.)