By cutup - 11/07/2012 17:54 - United States - Gainesville

Today, I tried to trim my dog's nails. After about a half hour of barking, biting, and general freaking out, I gave up and decided to pay someone else to do it. I'm a vet, and do this for a living. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 520
You deserved it 6 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You really nailed that one! Haha.. That was terrible.

She didn't say she didn't know how.. I think OP's dog would not cooperate with her.


How do you not know how to trim a dogs nails if you get paid to do it.

She didn't say she didn't know how.. I think OP's dog would not cooperate with her.

Dogs generally don't like having their paws touched, so perhaps this dog is just even more sensitive. Plus, it's way easier to make someone else deal with it.

Do people trim their dogs nails just because or it there some benefit?

Hiimhaileypotter 52

35- If their nails don't wear down naturally (by walking on pavement or hard surfaces) they will become too long and scratch you/the floors. There may be health side affects but I'm not sure. (I used to help out at a grooming salon).

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Just found this online...seems to answer your question. Some bad side effects of not trimming your canine friend's nails: -Painful ingrown nails -Nail bleeding if the “quick” (blood vessels that extend into the nail) gets too long -Discomfort in feet, legs and hips due to shifting weight as a result of long nails

perdix 29

#35, because it's part of the covenant with God. No, wait, that's circumcision. Uh, never mind.

I work at a vet, and generally when we cut a dogs or cats nails, we usually have one person cutting, and another person holding the animal still and holding the head so it doesn't bite at anyone or run away.

So they don't scratch you or other people when they wanna cuddle etc

I'm very good at trimming other people's pet's nails, but when it comes to my own pets, I spend so much time cooing over them and trying to comfort them that it makes things worse. It's kinda like my aunt: she's a doctor but can't do any medical stuff on her own kids because she gets so nervous.

Griffin10 5

Coming from a vet myself it's a lot harder to trim nails on a dog that is squirmy and crazy do before u insult someone's job. And its REALLY hard to do urself

Thats like a mechanic taking his car to the shop. Shameful.

Stoopid_life 2

Excuse me..but what is with the profile photo? Anyway I'm sure 41 doesn't agree with it

You really nailed that one! Haha.. That was terrible.

reallytho3 11

Lol tht was actually a descent pun... I didn't think it was possible

my aunt is a vet and none of her dogs let her clip their nails they only feel comfortable when a stranger does it as odd as it may seem

GovernorGeneral 8

That's why cats are better (They don't bark). ... Oh how i love cats.

queen_awks 16

Crazy cat lady in the making?

skata 4

sounds like they're already there

As much as I love cats, they're not much easier when it comes to cutting their nails. You have to deal with scratching and biting and hissing.

blcksocks 19

Cats are psychos, specially the one in my pic.

Every time an animal FML comes up it is "dogs/cats are better!!!" I say screw that, I have 2 dogs, and 2 cats, and they are all ******* awesome!

UltimateGIRness 16

Goats are scratchin,no bitin

You, sir or madam, have apparently never had a goat headbutt you while your back is turned, or have it eat through your shirt.

Pick your preferred laceration: Cat claws = slice. Dog claws = gouge.

SystemofaBlink41 27

Let me get this straight, 5 makes a pun, but gets thumbed down. 7 makes another pun but gets thumbs up... This makes my brain hurt...

82, did you ever assume 7s comment was funnier? No? Well it was.

SystemofaBlink41 27

I dunno... Seems the same level of punness to me...

GovernorGeneral 8

Cause he made the wrong pun.

GovernorGeneral 8

She* as my mistake will cause a great deal of noise.

Biting happens... Wait is that the saying?

MindFreakazoid 10
trippythehippy 6

He's mad after the last time you got out the scissors. Poor pup didn't even know it was broken. But seriously. It sounds like the fact that it's your dog, and your the pups human... Just a thought

You get paid to do something that you can't even do... -Edit- Damn! Didn't read #1s comment...

Sarcastic_x 6

You must not be a very experienced vet if you can't even trim your own dog's nails...

NailQueen2 7

I trust you with my dog, but you can't do your own?!

unknown_user5566 26

If OP was "doing" dogs, I'm not sure I'd trust them at all. ;)

thatKidzmOm 10

I hate that word! I fuss at my daughter every time she yells out "FAIL". Ugh!!!!