By LittleGina - 04/02/2017 18:00 - United States - Benson

Today, a woman was standing in front of me in line. There was a strand of hair on her back, so to be nice, I pulled it off her. It was still attached to her head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 559
You deserved it 7 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah as a general rule of thumb you shouldn't touch anything on a stranger


Yeah as a general rule of thumb you shouldn't touch anything on a stranger

I'm sure random strangers could do without your "kindness". Try to mind your own business.

WinPoe 3

Unless it's a bug or something socially humiliating (zipper down) don't mention it to someone you don't know. Or better yet you could have just told her and asked if she would like you to remove it.

how about don't ******* touch strangers. I don't care if you're trying to be nice, most people probably don't want it

how about don't ******* touch strangers. I don't care if you're trying to be nice, most people probably don't want it

I'm not sure why this is so hard for people to figure out, but don't touch other people! YDI

Talis99 26

Why are there so many people apparently not taught to (or not smart enough to think you shouldn't) not touch others without their permission?

jcash52426 5

You deserved whatever reaction the women had. Don't invade people's personal space. The correct thing to do would have been to inform her that she has some loose hair or just say nothing at all

LadyRen 20

Ask next time. Tell the woman that she has a hair on her back and if she wouldn't mind you removing it for her. YDI