By Wheresthebeefz - 01/02/2011 02:46 - United States

Today, I tried to save a dying bird I found on the sidewalk. I got a parking ticket for $114 in front of the animal hospital. I later found out the bird died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 950
You deserved it 7 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You had the right idea, but you didn't know how close to death the bird was. it's great that you tried. I would try to go to traffic court and get the judge to throw out the ticket because you were trying to save a birds life.

Aww, OP, that was very decent of you! I'm glad there are people like you who care enough to help a small bird instead of walking/driving over it. It sucks that you got a ticket and that the bird died, so FYL, but atleast you have a good heart ^^


Well it wouldn't be so bad if you had $114 to give the bird a proper funeral

Wow. Check out all these haters. I would have done the same thing OP. Animals are better than people in almost all occasions. Sorry to hear the bird didn't make it. But you did a very noble deed. Most people wouldn't have even given that bird a second thought.