By Waterer - 30/08/2015 17:46 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I watered a dying communal plant. I was fined $250 for littering. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 896
You deserved it 1 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DivineZero 18

Were you watering it with little bits of garbage or something?

Should rainclouds be fined for littering as well?


DivineZero 18

Were you watering it with little bits of garbage or something?

Should rainclouds be fined for littering as well?

This is California after all. No wonder they haven't gotten any rain in years, it's trying to save the money to pay fines.

incoherentrmblr 21

Technically, if you collect rainwater, you can be fined for it, depending on the state you live in...

johnny29 14

no good deed goes unpunished :/ i'm sorry op

Brawndo. Because it's got electrolytes...

leogachi 15
incoherentrmblr 21

Idiocracy never gets old. It is the inevitable...

Well, considering there is such a thing as a "rain tax," hardly anything surprises me anymore. It's likely that someone is trying to meet a quota, and you are the victim. Hopefully, you're rewarded in a different manner later.

leogachi 15

@5 Rain tax is for pollution in stormwater drainage, not for actual rain.

16, I'm aware of that. I know they don't tax the rainfall itself, but my point is that it is a ridiculous tax to have, regardless...

JocelynKaulitz 28

I'm not surprised. California's going through a severe drought right now and they're doing a lot like this to conserve as much water.

Probably deserved it. They're wondering why you're wasting water since California is in a drought.

Then OP would've been fined for wasting water, not littering.

Well, the thing is, the argument could be made that the fine for littering is both larger and harder to disprove, thus why that fine was issued, in order to legitimize itself. But on the other hand I live in LA, and have seen cops give tickets for some pretty bogus things, but never that bad, I have a feeling that's not the whole story

randomguy76 14

This is the result of quotas and unnecessary pressure from clueless supervisors. Makes me question how "free" we really are.

We're not. Everything we are "Free" to do is monitored in some way