By Anonymous - 30/12/2013 17:20 - United States

Today, I tried to prove to my girlfriend how much I've matured and that our relationship comes before anything else in my life. So I went to delete my character in World of Warcraft. I tried to confirm it, but I couldn't, breaking down in tears instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 350
You deserved it 31 427

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's always a hard life for us video gamers. I empathize OP.

**** that! You shouldn't have to delete anything you don't want to man! If she can't accept that you play WOW or any other video game, she doesn't love you for who you are. Live your life how you want to! Not how she thinks it should be lived


Animekid126 13

But what if you guys break up? Then you have no wow character.

Speaking as both a female and a gamer, I don't think that's the best move, OP. Breaking down and crying over it wasn't very mature, but still, at least you tried to prove your point. But don't delete your character; all that time, effort, and money spent will have gone to waste, especially if you and this girl break up. Just don't play the game at all. Keep your character but don't pay the monthly fee. That way, if you guys have a fight or break up or any other circumstance, you'll still have it and all the progress you've made. Believe me, I've considered deleting characters before and starting over, but no way was I going to do that after I spent all that time getting them to where they were.

I love WoW, heck I met my boyfriend on WoW. But this fall I was in a situation where I could not play the game while he was still busy with schoolwork/friends/raiding full 4 nights per week. And I can say -That sort of arragement would make any SO lonely, blood elf or not. But making him delete his account is one thing that NEVER crossed my mind. Why? Because I understand how important this hobby is for him. And if you cry when deleting your characters, you're the same. So DON'T DO IT. He was able to free up some time for me without sacrificing his raid nights, and so can you. :) Just talk to her, make her understand. We're happy now - I even started playing a bit on the side again, so we have more to talk about. Did your gf ever try the game out? There's a sale on it at until tomorrow, just in case. Sorry for the wall-o-ramble, happy new years!

why would you delete your character you presumably put years into? If the girl is worth it, she will get into WoW also. Mine did.

kaykay2922 11

I've tried the same thing once or twice.... Needless to say that those characters are still a part of my life

you made the right choice hun. girls are temporary.. gamers are forever(;

You shouldn't have to quit playing for your girlfriend. Both my boyfriend and I are gamers and we still make time to go on dates and spend time together in the midst of playing our games- sometimes separate, sometimes coop. Maybe instead of deleting your character, you and your girlfriend should both make a new character and play together.

You do realize playing the game isn't the actual problem, do you? This sort of behavior clearly shows a very serious addiction problem. Don't get me wrong, I'm a gamer myself, but I also know how troublesome an addiction like this can be. Deleting his character won't help by the way. The best way to deal with this, although it can differentiate per person, is to set specific time-frames for gaming. Say between 21.00 and 23.00 hours for example.

serenity40 6

I understand its hard especially since you probably worked hard to build your character's skills, but I think you just proved the opposite to your girlfriend.

please don't stop doing what makes you happy. especially if the brat is making you do it.

Novastella 2

Yeah, If a dude made me choose my account over them... They would be gone in a heartbeat!