Exterminators are expensive

By vinyl_mermaid - 02/03/2017 14:00

Today, in an effort to rearrange my bedroom, I planned to reroute my internet cables under my house. Then I found out about the black widow infestation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 620
You deserved it 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who needs internet anyway? Or even a house in this case.

Ciel_Phantombooty 0

I think a flamethrower is a little bit better of an investment than internet at this point OP.


Who needs internet anyway? Or even a house in this case.

Ciel_Phantombooty 0

I think a flamethrower is a little bit better of an investment than internet at this point OP.

I am happy you are still around today to write the fml op you have my respect. If I didn't die from a bite I definitely would from a heart attack Haha spiders are my one weakness and I believe your only option is to nuke the house. Stay safe my friend.

I would grab matches and hairspray and make a flamethrower and burn your house down. You're screwed.

I live in an apartment with a false widow infestation, cousin species, not as toxic. Good thing they have a really bad eyesight forcing them to stay on their web. Males tend to wander around though. I feel you OP.

connectm 1

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Rock_Lobsterr 10

I may not sleep again, and I don't even live there!

Eashy 16