By heymacie - 29/04/2016 01:41 - United States - Beckley

Today, it was my second day at my new job as a bank teller. I got locked in the vault while alarms were being tested. I was in there for an hour and none of my coworkers had even noticed that I'd gone missing. Gee, thanks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 137
You deserved it 1 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you got an FML published, so I'd say the interest you gained was worth it.

And now you can brag about how priceless you are.


And now you can brag about how priceless you are.

I hope you mean ex-boyfr... Wait nevermind

UserError94 18

I thought it was the funniest comment on her yet lol!

Wizardo 33

Its just a reflection of what 98% of the comments are these days. No one has fun anymore. Was a hilarious comment though.

Well, granted it was only your second day, that's why it took them an hour to notice. That still sucks though. FYL.

Sir_ND_Pity 35

The company is at fault For locking you in the vault. With management you should consult So we can be adults.

Why were you alone? I worked in a bank for 3 years and one of the first things we were taught is to ALWAYS go into the vault with a partner (security measure to prevent stealing).

If you hit that button on 500 FMLs, you get the "YDI Master" badge. The rush of endorphins can last for days, and a few people have nearly OD'd from it.

Well, you got an FML published, so I'd say the interest you gained was worth it.

Well you were new so it's not like they were used to looking for you. Heck they probably didn't even know your name. If you'd been there awhile they probably would have noticed. Don't get butt hurt. You know you'd probably have done the same!

Well, who knows? Maybe you didn't meet everybody that was working there at the time.

Oh no, you poor thing! What happened afterwards?

It's your second day - they don't even know you yet, let alone care where you are. Chill OP, you won't make any friends with that attitude.