By Anonymous - 30/12/2013 17:20 - United States

Today, I tried to prove to my girlfriend how much I've matured and that our relationship comes before anything else in my life. So I went to delete my character in World of Warcraft. I tried to confirm it, but I couldn't, breaking down in tears instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 350
You deserved it 31 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's always a hard life for us video gamers. I empathize OP.

**** that! You shouldn't have to delete anything you don't want to man! If she can't accept that you play WOW or any other video game, she doesn't love you for who you are. Live your life how you want to! Not how she thinks it should be lived


Its about finding a balance. If you were willing to try thats a really good thing. You shouldnt have to quite playing altogether. Just make sure you make time for both your girlfriend and the game.

If you're with someone who makes you feel like you need to compromise the things that matter to you, then you should probably do some thinking. Relationships aren't meant to change people, they're meant to unite two people who are better together than apart; celebrating their differences and individual interests.

You can have both if you can balance them well, give her some attention and then later play your game. If she doesn't like that, she's a bit self-centered and you should rethink what your relationship is worth.

Good work OP. Shouldn't get rid of a hobby just to make the misses happy. Just make sure she comes first and WOW a distant second.

What the girl doesn't know can't hurt her. Keep the account bud

Oh, **** that. Unless you're playing WoW every second of everyday, there is no way that you should be expected to give it up completely just because your girlfriend thinks you should. If you are playing excessively, then yeah cut down on it. But if it's your hobby then you should enjoy said hobby without having to feel like you're putting your relationship at risk.

nhormuss 17

Girlfriends come and go. WoW is forever.

oneofthosegirls_fml 11