By brinn - 16/09/2011 05:15 - United States

Today, I told my husband that I wanted him to stay sober during the week. He responded by saying he wanted me to be a supermodel during the week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 952
You deserved it 9 775

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he wasn't sober, you'd look like a supermodel anyways


OP, You want an ice pack for that.BURN!!!??

Egnar 19

There are 2 possibilities: 1) Your husband is a drunk or some kind of addict of heavy proportions and you're looking out for his best interest and he's being a complete asshole. 2) Your husband has a few beers every night to relax, like most guys do, you take it out of proportion and think he's constantly getting drunk and your unreasonable and snotty request was met with his own, in sarcasm. Both possibilities are equally as likely.

So, dump his ass and go get what you deserve. You deserve better than an sarcastic drunk.

EvilDave 13

OP, that is what you get for telling him how to live. I bet if he told you how to be during the week you would give a similar response and all the women on here would be backing you up as well.

ReynshineCutting 10

If he's getting drunk his wife has absolutely every right to tell him to knock it off. Once you're married it's not about you anymore and if one spouse is doing something to negatively affect the relationship, the other spouse has every right to tell them to stop.

No Dave, this is not about her telling him how to live. This is about a wife not wanting her husband getting drunk. It sounds like a perfectly reasonable request, and his response to her is asinine.

Gee, Dave... you can tell you don't really know much about relationships. Relationships are give and take, not just take take take. You win some, you lose some, and OP's husband's an ass.

So basically, he's saying wish in one hand, shit in the other and see which one fills up faster. Sounds like neither of you is getting your way!

honey that's a big sign that the marriage is over. file for divorce and find someone that loves you for you

Egnar 19

Why doesn't he love her for her? Because she said something quipy and difficult so he responded in kind?

graphicstyle7 17

He's an alcoholic. Please go to an al-anon meeting asap and find a way to get on with your life without him.