By Sam - 03/02/2009 22:38 - United States

Today, I showed my boyfriend a picture of me in what I thought was a sexy skintight dress. He responded by saying "it's ok, I went through a pudgy stage too". The picture was from Saturday night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 644
You deserved it 4 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BlueRiverAries 0

Maybe you should work out until you can pull off the outfit? Or opt for a size up. Wear something that flatters you, everyone has a different shape.

SaRah_In_LoVe 0

She says Saturday to empathize that the picture was recent, and not an old one like the boyfriend thought.


You are a common prostitute, smeared with the paint of seduction, flaunting your wiles for Satan!

What a wanker (presumably, now, literally)

BlueRiverAries 0

Maybe you should work out until you can pull off the outfit? Or opt for a size up. Wear something that flatters you, everyone has a different shape.

#1 That is evil and I will stay away from you after that one. :P

#1 is pretty messed up and would make an FML for the guy

Wow, he's like a modern day Errol Flynn. /1930's film reference, you know, for the kids.