In sickness but mainly in health

By Tiff - 27/11/2023 16:00

Today, during our wedding, my new husband said that he’d divorce me if I “let myself go.” Later, he couldn’t understand why I'd got upset and told me, “Why are you so worked up for? If you don’t want that to happen, just eat healthy and exercise daily, it's not that hard.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 802
You deserved it 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, that’s the way he’s starting things off? So if you were to have an accident or develop an illness, you think he’d be there for you? You planning to have kids? You think he’ll be supportive during pregnancy and recovery? Get away from him now. You deserve someone who loves YOU, not someone who just wants to have sex with a hot body.


You dodged a bullet there.... oh wait!

Wow, that’s the way he’s starting things off? So if you were to have an accident or develop an illness, you think he’d be there for you? You planning to have kids? You think he’ll be supportive during pregnancy and recovery? Get away from him now. You deserve someone who loves YOU, not someone who just wants to have sex with a hot body.

HouseOfM 8

I'm sorry to hear that but how are you getting married to someone and there's no red flags this might be a problem?

@HouseOfM - Toxic people hide their toxic traits from their partners until after marriage.

HouseOfM 8

I'm aware of that but completely? Generally at least in the course of the relationship there are some signs. I'm wondering what red flags were missed or passed over.

n3rdn3ss 8

I've always eaten healthy and I exercise evert day. My weight has fluctuated with my menstrual cycle, pregnancy, breastfeeding, depression borderlibe anorexia and now menopause. Your husband is ignorant or a jerk or both.