By princev - 18/06/2011 10:32 - United States

Today, I thought it would be funny to jump in the pool while holding my cat. I am currently in the hospital due to the severe cuts on my face and throat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 589
You deserved it 112 845

Same thing different taste


missy1228 2

well know you kitties will **** your shit up

Hahahahahahaha that's funny, and you're dumb.

you're retarded. like the dumbest ************ that ever lived

you're retarded. like the dumbest ************ that ever lived

iJasper 8

YDI I mean Really? What the Hell where you thinking!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA! I'm sorry you got hurt but that was some funny shite!

samicna 4

guess kitty is laughing now! you do realize there are laws protecting kitties?

michelleissexy 0

You SO DESERVED it I can't even explain how much you DESERVED it.

BadAssDerbyGirl 0

YOU COULD HAVE DROWNED YOUR POOR CAT YOU ************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:'O