By princev - 18/06/2011 10:32 - United States

Today, I thought it would be funny to jump in the pool while holding my cat. I am currently in the hospital due to the severe cuts on my face and throat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 589
You deserved it 112 845

Same thing different taste


ergo_fml 13

Why isn't YDI winning?!? The OP is a cruel moron.

We're going to see you in the Darwin Awards one day, aren't we? =D

Well that wasn't very smart at all, now was it?

Fml for the CAT actually. Are you stoned? Why would you do that?

I feel for ya I just got scratched by a cat once and it hurt so I cant imagine multiple but still YDI.

whoisthisgirl 4

you sir, are not very bright.

Monkey1708 2

you deserve that big time.

So it was after you jumped in the water that you then realized it was a bad idea? That, for some strange reason, doesn't make sense to me. Note my sarcasm.

son4life 0

your the dumb shit who did that, lmao cats hate water come on now use common sense please