By onebadwave - 21/08/2009 07:26 - United States

Today, I thought it would be a smart idea to walk out on the pier while the waves were 6 feet tall. I was having fun getting "splashed" by the waves crashing over until one wave knocked me over and dragged me 20 feet across the hard concrete pier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 638
You deserved it 46 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

joethebiden 8

"Today, I thought it would be a smart idea to walk out on the pier while the waves were 6 feet tall." See, I don't even need to read the rest before giving you a YDI.

OP: I'm from Michigan; I live in a town on Lake Michigan which has a pier. You are an IDIOT! You completely deserved this and if you had drowned it would've been natural selection!


Ouch, what were the injuries? Well at least there were no shops ect. that might have got in the way and drowned you as you were washed down the peer. That would've been a lot worse! :O

Ligerie 0

I would do that most likely....even after reading this.

joethebiden 8

"Today, I thought it would be a smart idea to walk out on the pier while the waves were 6 feet tall." See, I don't even need to read the rest before giving you a YDI.

Quinnjamin 0

couldn't you have expected that to happen?

Rasputia 0

That would have been funny to see :D

hard concrete? is there such a thing as soft concrete?

well yeah if it hadnt dried yet OP- you sound awesome but that sucks id totally do that

Posiedon57 0

Also Aerated Concrete! Not exact Comfy soft, but softer. XD MythBusters Moment.

OP: I'm from Michigan; I live in a town on Lake Michigan which has a pier. You are an IDIOT! You completely deserved this and if you had drowned it would've been natural selection!

ctrygirl 2

I would have done the same thing