Smart move

By jen - 21/12/2023 11:00 - United States

Today, my six year-old son maxed my credit card on Robux. FML
I agree, your life sucks 235
You deserved it 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ouch! call the roblox or seller and explain the issue. they often allow reversing that sale as long as this isn't the umpteenth time it occurred. also consider being inconvenienced. don't put your charging info saved on whichever devices/platforms. Yes it takes longer to make a legitimate purchase but helps in situations like this.

YDI. Any parent with kids knows to not have their card info stored on their devices


ouch! call the roblox or seller and explain the issue. they often allow reversing that sale as long as this isn't the umpteenth time it occurred. also consider being inconvenienced. don't put your charging info saved on whichever devices/platforms. Yes it takes longer to make a legitimate purchase but helps in situations like this.

YDI. Any parent with kids knows to not have their card info stored on their devices

And your six-year-old (or child of any age) had access to your credit card why?