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By Anonymous - 01/05/2019 12:00

Today, I nearly drowned. I was at a wave pool for the first time and stupidly swam out to the deep end. When the waves turned on, I discovered I can't swim in rough water. Despite my yelling, "Help!" and flailing around, the lifeguard paid me no attention. My friend had to save me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 062
You deserved it 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bl3ur0z3 17

I was watching my 4yo splash around in the 0 depth side of a kiddie pool once when another friend dropped her 14mo with me to go play. Almost immediately, my 4yo decided this was a good time to move to a higher depth and ended up just floating with his vest keeping his head just barely above water. I was panicking and trying to get the lifeguard's attention, but she actually looked at him struggling to keep his head above the vest and out of the water and did nothing. After 30 or 45 seconds of this, I made the decision to leave the baby alone and jump in fully clothed to rescue my baby. Thankfully, the 14mo was too confused by my sudden departure to take advantage of the situation. The lifeguard's reaction? A smile and the words "nice save, Mama." Yea, well somebody had to do it. Lifeguards are useless.


bl3ur0z3 17

I was watching my 4yo splash around in the 0 depth side of a kiddie pool once when another friend dropped her 14mo with me to go play. Almost immediately, my 4yo decided this was a good time to move to a higher depth and ended up just floating with his vest keeping his head just barely above water. I was panicking and trying to get the lifeguard's attention, but she actually looked at him struggling to keep his head above the vest and out of the water and did nothing. After 30 or 45 seconds of this, I made the decision to leave the baby alone and jump in fully clothed to rescue my baby. Thankfully, the 14mo was too confused by my sudden departure to take advantage of the situation. The lifeguard's reaction? A smile and the words "nice save, Mama." Yea, well somebody had to do it. Lifeguards are useless.

bloopaloop 27

the same thing happened to me when I was 15 it took both of my friends to carry me to the ladder out of the pool and me coughing my lungs out for the life guard to notice what was happening

My family’s bad experience with a lifeguard is actually the opposite. My brother had had an asthma attack the night before we went to the pool, but we didn’t think much of that. He wanted to jump off the diving board into the deep end (we had just learned how to dive that summer), and my mom saw no problem with it. As soon as he was underwater, he panicked since his lungs were still a little weak from the night before, and the lifeguard had to jump in and save him. The lifeguard then berated my mom for letting him in the deep end when he “wasn’t capable enough” to swim there (keep in mind, we had been doing it THE WHOLE SUMMER no problem). The four of us (my mom, our family friend, him, and me) never even thought the night before would have been a factor that day. Long story short, lifeguards are either careless or think they know how to parent other people’s kids.

MinigunFresh 5

That's a pretty ****** up luge buyers