By loveless - 24/09/2009 04:30 - United States

Today, I surprised my girlfriend with U2 tickets. Still no action. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 173
You deserved it 33 537

Same thing different taste

Top comments

seriously. if you want sex just ask for it. girls are not obligated to respond to gifts with sexual favors.

jchansfan 0

LOL Who cares you get to see U2 w/ your girlfriend! =) But I really hope that's not the main reason you bought the tickets lol, somethings even Bono can't make happen... :P Either way this FML is great... =)


greendaygirl112 0

for all u crazies and U2 haters: U2 is awsome! they can actually sing unlike some of the modern stars(katy Perry, lady gaga, Jonas brothers, Taylor swift) the only good somewhat modern bands out there are greenday fall out boy and cold play. U2 is the best!

OK OK, negating the fact that U2 sucks, why was this a guarantee in your mind? Does she love U2? Did she tell you that she would do anything for those tickets? Or are you just the type of presumptuous dumbass that thinks just because you and an overwhelming majority of people like something, that your girlfriend will too? If that's the case, how about you take the time to get to know your girlfriend before cramming your opinions down other people's throats. Maybe if you knew her a little better, you'd know she's not the type of **** to just give it up for concert tickets in the first place.

joangar 0

be grateful you have a girl who's worthwhile doesnt just give herself up to any pricks who'll buy her concert tickets instead of a ***** who's easy to get into bed because if she's easy for you, chances are you weren't the only one shes easy to

rhoadsfan21 0

yeah, maybe its bc U2 sucks take her to a KISS concert next time. guaranteed to make her horny. just dont be surprised if she calls you gene or paul during

you won't get any from u2. try something more hard, know what i mean?

bfd you dont go to a concert to get laid you go for fun wheres the romance in a billion ppl screaming the lyrics to there favorite songs, maybe you'll get laid later because your girlfriend will be to deaf to here the BS spewing from your harsh sorry

zerosk8ter999 0

yea that was ur problem right there u went to a u2 concert lol. at least take her to someone worth seeing hahahaha

maybe shes using you? or maybe she's figuring out shit and doesn't want to rush things? for all we know you coulda met her last month.