By loveless - 24/09/2009 04:30 - United States

Today, I surprised my girlfriend with U2 tickets. Still no action. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 173
You deserved it 33 537

Same thing different taste

Top comments

seriously. if you want sex just ask for it. girls are not obligated to respond to gifts with sexual favors.

jchansfan 0

LOL Who cares you get to see U2 w/ your girlfriend! =) But I really hope that's not the main reason you bought the tickets lol, somethings even Bono can't make happen... :P Either way this FML is great... =)


you deserve it for treating your gf like a prostitute.

moonlight_daze 8

Screw you and the horse you rode in on. YDI for being a desperate little bitch.

satanstoystore 0

you have to fill her emotional side to start up the physical. it takes more than tickets. learn to connect with her.

Admitting you listen to U2 hasn't gotten anyone laid in a way that didn't wreck the way they shit.

MandieHart 0

for as long as you listen to U2, is as long as you go without sex. end of story. :)

try a death metal concert, maybe shes just not into U2.

cannonsky 0

I'm pretty sure your mistake was taking her to a U2 concert..

Omg! shes an idiot. i'd kill to go see U2!!! Theyre an awesome bands. One of my faves! xD