By kittykat033 - 08/03/2014 17:19 - United States - Honolulu

Today, I started at my new job. My manager, upon meeting me, hugged me and sniffed my neck, then commented that I smelled "natural" and told me how much he loves that. I have to work with this creep until god knows when. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 883
You deserved it 3 904

Same thing different taste


skittyskatbrat 19

um, no, you do not. Report him to his boss, to HR, to whatever authority your company expects sexual harassment claims to be reported to. Talk to the other employees, find out if he's done similar to them, and if other employees have left because of his behavior. It does NOT stop at a neck-sniff. Do NOT hesitate to throw a public fit about this if he does it again, ending with you grabbing a phone and calling HR publicly and openly. He WILL do it again. "I told you the first time that this behavior was inappropriate, and one week later, you are WHATEVER HE IS DOING SAID VERY LOUDLY AND PLAINLY! That is IT, I am reporting it right now. Angry witnesses are the difference between a slap on the hand for him and a pink slip. He doesn't need to go on collecting victims, and people that SNIFF THE NECK of their coworkers? Then make a personal comment? They don't stop at one victim and they've probably gotten away with it before. Don't put up with this crap. If they fire you, take them to court. You're not the one at fault for publicly saying NO to inappropriate behavior. Best of luck!!!!

I made this exact same FML and mine got denied. Stealing bitch. Lol

olpally 32

Yeah, report him for harassment. No one should feel that uncomfortable in the work environment. Creeper.

sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen

I find that as long as he didn't grab your ass and moan, he was completely appropriate.

If he's not the head manager tell the head manager. If he is call the DM if it's the DM call HR immediately. Next time he does something like that say, "This is inappropriate, I'm uncomfortable and respect my personal space." If he does it after you say that and have reported it he will face consequences. If nothing gets accomplished and you report it you have grounds to quit with the right to collect unemployment(if you had previous consistent employment) and a harassment suit. That about covers it good luck and REPORT IT.

Could be worse. At least he didn't sniff your butt and then say that you're his new bitch.

That is beyond creepy! I hope you firmly but politely put him in his place.

I hope he just meant he likes that you're following the "no perfume at work" policy... working with creepy people sucks - I hope he was just talking without thinking at that moment