By Joe - 27/08/2012 13:33 - United States - Coalgate

Today, I started my new job at a fragrance store. While training, the manager had me smell all of the scents to become familiar with the products. Before my shift was over, I'd had three asthma attacks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 263
You deserved it 5 745

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless you're suicidal, this isn't the job for you. I think you'd be better off working on a farm, with the nearest pharmacy miles away. But then again, Monk was a fantastic cop, so... Just keep an inhaler handy.

Fragrance stores usually have a lot of different perfumes, so I'm not surprised anyone wouldn't get sick after all those strong smells. Sorry OP, get a new job so your health won't be compromised.


Unless you're suicidal, this isn't the job for you. I think you'd be better off working on a farm, with the nearest pharmacy miles away. But then again, Monk was a fantastic cop, so... Just keep an inhaler handy.

I'm surprised he didn't have an inhaler to begin with!

No job is worth as much as your life dont put it at risk just quit

Actually, farms aren't the best place for asthmatics either. Trust me. :P I'm sure OP had an inhaler to be able to stop the three attacks that s/he had. It'd be a good idea to quit, though...

Why put your hypersensitive lungs at risk? You are asking for it.. But if you have an Asthma preventer such as : Symbicort or Seretide - I would advise using them, it helped me out a great deal to where I could do running and sports without wheezing.

Only liked that cuz u mentioned monkkkk

LiterOfCola 16

You have a ******* scary picture

Well the first day at work is always the worst

I would say the last day usually is.... "your fired" ~ Donald Trump

At least OP's first day at the job wasn't his last day... Alive.

I feel OP's pain here. I've had a day where I had 14 asthma attacks in a single day .__.

I KNOW RIGHT? I hate having asthma..

Asthma sucks. I sound like a pitbull when I cough

Better than sounding like Pitbull. (The pergormer, for those that are confused.)

At least you probably smell really nice now :)

But OP didn't put on any, just smelled. And it probqbly would distract from a smell to see someone hyperventilating.

Fragrance stores usually have a lot of different perfumes, so I'm not surprised anyone wouldn't get sick after all those strong smells. Sorry OP, get a new job so your health won't be compromised.

lenamartinovic 13

Yeah, I know. I remember when I walked into lush for the first time. Thought I wouldn't come out of there alive!

Lol don't you just love the first day at work!

expertsmilee 26

May as well have been someone who's allergic to bee's deciding to be a bee keeper lol

DarkDaedalus009 8

This isnt a good job for you, OP, think about your health

I see you've discovered my latest fragrance: Eau de Wheeze. It's sure to be a hit!

TheDrifter 23

It's bound to smell better than the Eau de Toilette I keep seeing at the mall. *Shudders* Who wants to smell like toilet water anyhow?

TrinityisLife 22

Tell me that was sarcasm.........