
By nick - 26/12/2021 08:01 - United States - Federal Way

Today, I found out my son’s middle name was named after my wife’s muscled up highschool ex-boyfriend who cheated on her and who she sometimes still brings up. She tells me it’s nothing and still acts like I’m crazy for communicating my worry to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 222
You deserved it 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you sure she's not just covering her bases for who the real father is?

Salti_Kiku229 8

Sorry to hear that bud but she needs explaining to do… that’s not you overreacting either but you have every right to worry and she just honestly a bitch


Are you sure she's not just covering her bases for who the real father is?

Salti_Kiku229 8

Sorry to hear that bud but she needs explaining to do… that’s not you overreacting either but you have every right to worry and she just honestly a bitch

Venander 12

So, if she still brings him up, how were you unaware of his name? This seems like an issue you should have handled BEFORE your kid was born... and paperwork was filled out...