By seriously?? - 04/02/2009 16:06 - United States

Today, I was running to the bus stop to catch the bus. The bus driver smiled, waved, and drove away without letting me get on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 500
You deserved it 2 840

Same thing different taste

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There is something about being a bus driver that just turns people into absolute cocks.. OR there is something about being a bus driver that attracts absolute cocks.. But there are the few, the other day I was getting on the bus and asked how much it would cost cause I had no oyster and used to get on for free cause I am 16, but bus drivers always throw you off if you have no child oyster now even if they can blatantly tell you are a child.. but this one really sweet old man instead of telling me how much it would cost just told me to go sit down and let me ride for free!! I was shocked to say the least!

vfscx0aw6o7jshl 0

He was trying to teach you a lesson about being punctual.


vfscx0aw6o7jshl 0

He was trying to teach you a lesson about being punctual.

b023d 0

This happens to me at least once a day... even if im there on time... >_<

haha. this happened to me before, except I was in 3rd grade

There is something about being a bus driver that just turns people into absolute cocks.. OR there is something about being a bus driver that attracts absolute cocks.. But there are the few, the other day I was getting on the bus and asked how much it would cost cause I had no oyster and used to get on for free cause I am 16, but bus drivers always throw you off if you have no child oyster now even if they can blatantly tell you are a child.. but this one really sweet old man instead of telling me how much it would cost just told me to go sit down and let me ride for free!! I was shocked to say the least!

quiksta 0

I know a guy who was cut off by a bus with his baby daughter in the car, had to swerve to the next lane to avoid it and almost got t boned by a car turning onto the street. little did the bus driver know, this guy would catch up with him at the next red light and punch out his driver side window on a cold calgary winters day. Owned. ******* asshole bus drivers.

i_hateoldpeople 0

that happened to me a couple years ago. i was standing at the bus stop with some old guy, and the bus pulled up. the bus driver said to the old guy "i'm not letting you on." to which his response was "why the hell not??" and the bus driver said "i don't like the way she looks." i was 2 hours late for work.

idc_fml 0

that happened to me before. it sucked. my brother also called the bus driver & cussed her out. i was at the bus stop. i just dropped some stuff out my purse (like my iPod & other expensive stuff) so she waited until i got the stuff & came to the door, then she decided to leave.

its happened to me before-school bus tho i just flicked her off while chasing after the bus then i went home xD

Kurlzz 0

Lmaoooo.. wow. Must've been a piss-off, but hopefully you can laugh about it now :P

That bus driver was being a bastard. It happens to me all the time. FML

ahhhh dick move once afterskool i was standing on the outside of the bus in front of the door and the bitch wudnt open it and drove off