By _dopey_ - 17/05/2009 17:34 - United Kingdom

Today, I spilt boiling tea all over my stomach and left leg, so I went to the hospital to get it checked out. They said I wouldn't be able to expose it to the sun for the next two months. I'm going to Barbados tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 976
You deserved it 7 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xxPrettyJane 0

Just wear a one-piece (if you're a girl)! If you're a guy, just keep a t-shirt on. it's not that bad. You can still have fun :D

FlyMeAway 2

The doctors have a reason for things. They don't prescribe you or advise you just to make your life harder. I don't see why anyone would thumb your comment up.


Psh, you can totally still enjoy your vacation. Like #4 said, just wear a one-piece/tankini or t-shirt, and board shorts. And salt water is actually probably great for the burns, even if it stings a little. Have fun!

get a...WETSUIT! my cousin has one theyre great!

fyLIFE 0

Aww! Damn, that's so sad. Yeah do what #25 said about the wetsuit.

tangello 0

wear a tank top or put a towel over it.


wrap the burned areas and ware whatever u want, don't let that ruin ur vacation

i agree with #'s 4, 6, and 25. i'm sure that you'd be fine if you just applied sunscreen regularly, the only thing i can see wrong with you exposing it to the sun would be if you got boils because of it or the idea of it being extremely sensitive skin in which UV rays would damage it, if the first, then i don't see why you'd wanna go out in the sun anyways without it being covered, and the more probable second, sunscreen (thought not 100% guaranteed) will protect you from the sun's rays... but it's up to you, hope you hve fun though :)

If you wrapped the burned areas in bandages, would that be enough protection? I'm sorry, though - that's really awful timing.