No tip for you

By Anonymous - 06/01/2011 06:34 - United States

Today, I was feeling sick but went into my waitressing job because I'd already missed 3 days this week. I was dizzy and managed to spill a tray of drinks all over the customers. Then, when their food was done, I tripped and spilled hot chili all over the man's lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 039
You deserved it 11 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WHY do some people insist on going to work when they're sick? It's counter-productive. I don't want your germs and I'm pretty sure not many others do either. ydi

RedPillSucks 31

I generally agree, but some people can't afford not to work so they drag themselves in when sick. They gamble that the probability of them screwing up or infecting others is low.


WHY do some people insist on going to work when they're sick? It's counter-productive. I don't want your germs and I'm pretty sure not many others do either. ydi

KristinaKreme 0

I completely agree Especially when you're working around/near food. I wouldn't want my waitress sneezing and touching my food when she's ill. OP, you totally deserve it -_-

RedPillSucks 31

I generally agree, but some people can't afford not to work so they drag themselves in when sick. They gamble that the probability of them screwing up or infecting others is low.

TheDrifter 23

I dunno how it is where you are but I only get 7 paid sick days a year before I have to take it out of vacation time. It's the first week of January and op has already been off 3 days, likely using half their yearly allotment if they have one.

hoolie06 0

As a server, I highly doubt OP gets sick pay or vacation time.

I wait tables and you would be suprized how many waiters come into work sick not because they want to but is all about money. when youre working though collage you really need the money so you show up anyway it's all part of life.

Ninjafriends 1

Sure, people get away with working sick all the time. People are cash-strapped and/or inconsiderate @ssholes, neither of which are particularly compelling justifications. You're still doing something wrong. Doing this while working in food service is pretty despicable, despite how common it may be. If you're contagious, you're putting others at risk. Someone with a compromised immune system could possibly fall seriously ill, because of OP's selfishness. On top of that, OP put customers at immediate risk of physical harm due to her clumsy state. F the customers' lives.

totally agree,she probably shouldnt have gone to work, but with the cost of living going up and jobs becoming scarce you gotta try to keep what you got.

robc32ca 4

were you sick the first 3 days or just skipping off work? in food services you should never work sick! you're handling food you risk infecting the customer. I assume you were fired so I hope you don't take another waitress job

FYLDeep 25

Make up for what? His dick. Maybe it's just me, but it seems kind of weird to apply make up to that region of the body. Plus, I might be a little old-fashioned, but I don't see why a guy should wear make up at all.

heh, probably to get another job. lol, or just ti stay away from them...

KristinaKreme 0

Explain it to your manager ;/ He might understand next time don't miss alot of days

Im_Like_0h_w0w 0

#8 If you are sick and handling food you have to call in sick you douche! you wouldnt want your waiter coughing all over your shit would you?! DIDNT THINK SO!

richardissharp 4

Truth be told, I love waiters coughing on my shit. It just makes taking a shit that much more enjoyable.

azhein 0

I have to argue with my manager at Dominos when I'm sick because he wants me to work.

You should have noticed that your illness is the kind that involves dizziness. I know sometimes it sneaks up on you, but I'll give OP the benefit of the doubt and say those 3 days misses were due to illness. Anyway, realizing the fact that you're going to be dizzy and heading for your job where you'll be on your feet, moving around and carrying objects such as hot chili? YDI.

Why the hell would you go to work when you're sick? Your ******* retarded.

DakotaCat 4

I honestly wouldn't want a sick waitress serving me food. Anyone up for Macaroni & Sneeze?