By whitey - 09/01/2011 11:11 - Australia

Today, I went to the beach. After applying sunscreen liberally and doing my best to stay out of the sun, I came home with the worst sunburn I have ever had. I almost needed to go to the hospital. I am officially too pale to be allowed outside in summer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 377
You deserved it 4 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You were probably just outside for TOO long. Everything has to be in moderation.

Squinklies 1

I hear ya, girl.. Being white sucks sometimes :/.


Squinklies 1

I hear ya, girl.. Being white sucks sometimes :/.

Me_iz_a_Bboy 0

Especially if you're pale like op.

kofinater 3

thank God i'm black, can't imagine having to where suntan lotion, that stuff reeks

I suppose it does, but I associate the smell with sunny days and beaches, so it's alright.

YDI for being white. MAN UP PUSSY. Go out in the sun repeatedly without sunscreen

iSitt 0

it was only a couple hundred years ago that the standard of beauty was to be pale and chubby

it's not even summer. you got that bad of a burn in January?

PSQ91 6

He's from Australia you moron

sick pic bro reminds me of my closet :D

you do know that black people are still susceptible to skin cancer, right?

Everyone should wear sunscreen. No matter your race.

OP, I am Irish and from Arizona USA, so nothing but sunburns my whole life, I have found that a good after burn cream is original Noxzema! Just put it right on your skin. It cools right away and helps it heal faster, yes you have to reapply but its amazing with every application. This is for burns that don't need hospitalization, but are still bad. Good luck!!

snarkytruth 37

Not just skin cancer but sunburns too

Ouchie!! FYL! Sunburns are the worst. You don't deserve it because you tried to take precautions against burning. I guess for now on you'll need a big floppy hat and long sleeves.

come up to sunny Queensland. that's a good precation! all were getting is wet rainy days and rivers rising to over 20m. no sunburn here!

110, but he's only going to end up back here in NSW, cause that's where the rivers seem to be travelling TO at the moment

cradle6 13

OP, you do need to tan. Go outside and tan for 10-15 minutes each side. Then, get out of the sun. Next day: Repeat. You can't avoid the sun for years, be totally deprived of vitamin d, and then go outside for an extended period of time and expect to not burn.

In Australia, our UV index is so high, even a tan will lead to cancer. Also, if OP burns with sunscreen on, 10-15 mins unprotected in the sun will not tan her, it will severely burn her. Some people, like myself, are incapable of tanning. We either burn, or the sunscreen works so nothing happens. If we burn, it turns into a tan for about a week or so and then peels off. Sucks. But no a tan is not a defence against the sun, it just shows your skin type is more tolerant to the sun.

MuchDance90s 0

I used to think that way too but anyone is capable of a tan if they do it extremely gradually. I'm talking exposed arms in the early-early Spring.

ladybuggirl1234 3

Ok I am sorry but you're a dumbass! If she burns while doing all that she can't tan. I'm super white too and I will never tan.

so where you live there are no red heads trust me we don't tan

u sure it was sunscreen and not tan lotion

You were probably just outside for TOO long. Everything has to be in moderation.

Where did you apply the sunscreen? Your feet? I just can't imagine someone getting severely brunt with that much sunblock on. But sucks to be you, sunburn's a bitch! Use Aleo Vera.

kaylaraeh 0

I get sunburns like that, even if I lather myself like crazy with sunscreen. Definitely not her fault.

In Australia, sunscreen should be applied every two hours. But it's annoying so no one does. Hence all the burns

It's weird, but I was expecting "hahah it's winter" comments. Also, does santa wear speedos there?

lol, I came here expecting to find those "It's winter," comments, too.

Right, because it's winter in the northern hemisphere, that must mean there are no beaches anywhere that you could get burned.

also that the fact it's winter in the northern hemisphere precludes people who live there from getting sun burned. please note a good 70-80% of the suns uv rays penetrate clouds so in all reallity you could get sunburned in winter.

Actually, there are plenty of places in the northern hemisphere where you lay out, tan and/or get burnt/sweat your ass off in January. I've done it myself in both California and Florida.

I guess people finally looked at the location

bubblej614 0

I was gonna say that, it's winter and then i saw where she's from......fml.. lol

It's in Australia -.- it's summer in January here. It's winter at the moment though, cause it's June.

I'm pretty sure some people will say something along the lines of "It's winter, not summer!" And to those future commenters, I shall tell them that it is summer in Australia. Bye.

Kandyland 12

I'm going to guess that you're a red head...