By dole_out_the_fml - 20/05/2009 17:36 - Canada

Today, I spent two hours making dinner for my boyfriend's family. When I brought it over to their house they said "thanks" and didn't bother to invite me to stay to eat it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 251
You deserved it 4 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least now you know they're not worth expending any effort for.


You should have said "Now that you saw my food I guess I'll be leaving with it, I just wanted to show you how delicious it was!!"


WTF??? That's a sign if you needed one. Unless there's more to the story, but I couldn't think of any plausible alternate story, so I'm sticking with WTF??

irishfever 0

umm maybe it wasn't clear that you expected to eat it with them too maybe they just thought you were doing something nice for them....

bonafidehustler 0

You should definitely dump your boyfriend. If he doesn't stand up for you and invite you to stay, then it's also his fault, not just his parents' fault. I agree with #16, I'd like to see this one get illustrated.

..... Who DOES that???? I'm just going to assume your boyfriend wasn't there, because if he was, he shouldn't be your boyfriend anymore. That's just disrespectful.

scorpioserpent 1

Tell the truth: someone is like dying of cancer in the household and you brought them a meal, but you weren't totally selfless and were hoping to get your ego stroked.

veronicaaa 0

thats a dealbreakaa ladies!! haha.... 30 rock. i watch too much television. :)

It's not just a "nice gesture" if someone made you food out of the blue. You lack etiquette if you don't invite them in to eat it. BUT If the family went through a tragedy or someone is sick and she brought it over so the family wouldn't have to worry about cooking then they don't have to invite her in. Maybe this person should have provided a reason for why she brought dinner over so we don't have to debate over if its FYL or YDI.