By gabxoxo03 - 10/06/2011 19:06 - United States

Today, I snuck up on my girlfriend to give her a kiss. Only after I planted a big one did I realize it was not my girlfriend, or even a girl for that matter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 969
You deserved it 52 763

Same thing different taste


Capt_Oblivious 10

So, do you have a new 'special' friend now?

FYL - Your girlfriend looks like a dude.

samicna 4

have u made your eye appointment? hope so! hope your gf doesn't break up with u for cheating with a guy!

dagray40 7

so this is the best way to come out huh. interesting

idklalaalala 0

that stinks because u can't just say " sorry I thought u were my girlfriend"

don't know what's worse, the fact that he kissed a random man or that apparently the man didn't even try to stop him.