Not the nuggets!

By Anon - 27/06/2018 20:30

Today, I invited the guy I've been seeing for 5 months over. We got some chicken nuggets, but didn’t eat because he stripped my clothes off and we started having sex. Out of nowhere, he said, "I can’t do this!" and left. He took the chicken nuggets with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 908
You deserved it 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's just not right, nobody deserves to be teased with nuggets only to have them taken away.


ezrajab 22

Wam bam thank you mam? Pretty terrible imho

That's just not right, nobody deserves to be teased with nuggets only to have them taken away.

Stealing the nuggets on his way out the door? This guy's a monster.

Zekfen 17

He did you a favor. The biggest where probably gross and soggy by that time. Honestly though, he must be gay. No straight guy is going to put in 5 months and then finally get to the end goal and quit halfway in. Sorry you wasted your time.

PenguinPal3017 19

It never implied that this was their first time.

When you’re hungry, you’re hungry.

Finally, a chicken nugget that is literally better than sex! Where did you get them?

I guess he was more interested in your nuggets than your tater tots.

Maybe when said “can’t do this.” He meant that his little buddy was not working right. Give him another chance.

julfunky 29

That doesn’t explain why he took all of the nuggets.

TinScarecrow 15

lol guys needed to build up stamina

ChromoTec 24

He did WHAT on his way out the door? He needs to be killed.