By Anonymous - 23/03/2016 22:48 - United States - Lake Worth

Today, I found out that my mom has been deliberately forgetting to help me practice my driving. It's not because the insurance will go up once I pass the test, she doesn't want my 14 year-old sister to feel left behind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 705
You deserved it 1 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My best advice is to find someone else to practise with, it's not your fault you mum wants to keep you and your younger sister at, kind of, the same age. Try to find someone who won't want to keep you back, maybe you can even give you sister rides once you complete your test :)

Sorry Op. Your mum's logic sucks. Use your determination to find someone else to teach you and I'm sure you'll have your licence in no time.


My best advice is to find someone else to practise with, it's not your fault you mum wants to keep you and your younger sister at, kind of, the same age. Try to find someone who won't want to keep you back, maybe you can even give you sister rides once you complete your test :)

Sorry Op. Your mum's logic sucks. Use your determination to find someone else to teach you and I'm sure you'll have your licence in no time.

Good grief. I can't imagine what your mom will do about college or marriage. Plus, that logic doesn't make any sense. If anything, she'd WANT to teach you so that way she doesn't have to give you or your sibling rides everywhere. Maybe practice with a friend's parents?

Or maybe point out to your mom that if you're able to drive you will be able to drive your sister around. Maybe once she sees the positive in that she'll help?

You could practice with someone else, she really isn't the only one who knows driving. And nothing to feel terrible about. Some parents tend to stuff like this very often.

I'm guessing your mother voted for bush

Sounds like your mother is driving you crazy! Please don't hurt me

Tell her that she'll have that chance to catch up… in about two years after you've passed this test.

snarkytruth 37

Ask her to let sister sit in the back seat and convince them both it will give her a head start on learning how to drive too by observing you and listening to mom. Mention how convenient it will be to her for you to help run her errands. Ask another adult to also help you practice to get in more hours. Bribe your sister to want to ride with you and your mom so she can help convince your mom it's a great idea. I suspect she is actually afraid of you driving on your own and your looming independence or of losing the control she has over your life. Maybe she is just that afraid of your driving ! Good luck. Just be sure to practice with an adult that has lots of experience not friends.