Heated gaming moment

By Anonymous - 15/02/2017 22:00 - United States - Columbia City

Today, I went to my boyfriend's house after working a night shift. The door was locked and, so I wouldn't wake his parents, I called him. Twelve times. Each call went to voicemail and I was left standing outside in the freezing rain until he finally let me in. What was he doing? Playing video games. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 922
You deserved it 1 210

Same thing different taste

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Considering the fact that it went straight to voicemail, his phone was likely off, or dead. If he was playing video games, it's easy not to notice. If he wasn't expecting you, he'd have no reason to be waiting for your call, or for you to get there. If he was expecting you, then he really needs to get his act together. Either way, FYL.

Mom: Son, pause your game Son: I can't pause it, I'm online. Mom: What do you mean? Just pause it Son: But maaa...I CANT pause it!!! Mom: PAUSE the ******* game!! Every time....


Mom: Son, pause your game Son: I can't pause it, I'm online. Mom: What do you mean? Just pause it Son: But maaa...I CANT pause it!!! Mom: PAUSE the ******* game!! Every time....

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Iwannarock1 19

if you're going to comment on every post, at least try and be witty.

His comments used to be pretty amusing, but lately they've just been bombing hardcore.

Considering the fact that it went straight to voicemail, his phone was likely off, or dead. If he was playing video games, it's easy not to notice. If he wasn't expecting you, he'd have no reason to be waiting for your call, or for you to get there. If he was expecting you, then he really needs to get his act together. Either way, FYL.

In a way it kind of seems like she's frowning upon him for playing video games at all, too. That could just be the way I'm reading it, but still, playing video games is fine. If his phone went straight to voicemail he wasn't ignoring anyone, it was likely off or something

It doesn't say "straight to voicemail" though, just that it "went to voicemail". That means* that it it was ringing for a bit, probably about 30 seconds each time, and he just didn't pick up so it went to voicemail instead. * This may be different in other countries or depending on company though.

It doesn't say straight to voicemail it just says went to voicemail so we can probably assume it rang first. With that in mind it takes the piss a bit that even after 12 calls he didn't notice so I hope to God he wasn't expecting OP to show up otherwise he won't be in her good books

ShannonBitt 29

It doesn't say it went straight to voicemail; it probably rang like normal, then went to voicemail. But I agree that he should've been paying more attention if he was expecting her. Or she shouldn't be upset if he didn't have any warning, whatever the case is.

You should have thrown skittles at his window.

Do you value yourself so little, or love him so much? As much as you love him, you should love yourself more. Next time (and there will be a next time), either call him before you go on shift so he knows you're coming or, limit your calls to 3-4, then take your HA straight home. He clearly takes you for granted (from the tiny bit I see). Let him know you want him to treat you the way you treat him. Just sayin'.

I don't think you can say he takes her for granted from this FML! If my phone is on vibrate and laying on the couch or something and I'm playing video games, I can't hear the vibrating over the TV. Unless he was expecting her, he may just not have had his phone near him or been able to hear it.

BlueJuly 3

Full disclosure: That could be me... Watching a movie or playing games I tend to ignore all messages or calls. Except, of course, if he was expecting you...

I do to an extent but when your phone rings that many times at any time of the day, I'd assume it's important

@26 true, but if his phone was on the couch or something and on vibrate he may not have heard it over the sound of the TV/head phones/speakers if he didn't know she was coming.

WeirdUS 29

Was he expecting you or did you'd just figure you'd drop by? Other than that I've accidentally shut my ringer off. It's most likely he did it accidentally or just wasn't expecting you to come over. Even if I'm dating someone or a best friend I make sure I talk to them before I come over just to make sure it's ok.

This depends entirely on the situation. Did you discuss this previously so he knew you were coming over? Because my boyfriend usually has his phone on silent in some corner and if he wasn't expecting a call he wouldn't check it for hours. Has nothing to do with him not loving me or not caring.